Regional Innovation Project Public Sector 2022
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Last change: Requirements for CV for principal investigator and collaboration partners uptated July 4.
Viktige datoer
10 Aug 2022
Open for applications
21 Sep 2022
Application deadline at 13:00
16 Dec 2022
Earliest permitted project start-up
16 Jun 2023
Latest permitted project start-up
16 Jun 2026
Latest permitted project final date
Viktige datoer
Regional innovation projects for the public sector are projects led by a public undertaking and with a comprehensive content of research and development.
The projects are based on needs and challenges in the public sector and must form part of the development plans of the public undertaking.RRF Oslo seeks to support projects that strengthen public sector efforts in green transformation, sustainability and making Oslo an inclusive city for all.
Projects with collaboration partners shall be executed in effective collaboration between the public Project Owner, R&D partners and other relevant actors.
About the call for proposals
RRF Oslo aims to contribute to increase research-based innovation in the public sector located in the City of Oslo.
Regional innovation projects for the public sector are projects led by a public undertaking and with a comprehensive content of research and development. We recommend applicants who do not have R&D skills in-house to collaborate with an R&D environment for carrying out the project.
RRF Oslo seeks to support public sector undertakings who are at the front line of research-based innovation as a means to reaching the UN goals for sustainability, and contribute to the green transformation.
Projects shall lead to value creation for the public sector and for public sector users.
This call for proposals is available in Norwegian and English. In the case of a discrepancy between the two versions, the Norwegian version is legally binding.
Who is eligible to apply?
- The Project Owner must be one of the city of Oslo’s own municipal undertakings or agencies, or a state owned undertaking with business address in Oslo
- The Project Owner must secure full funding of the project in addition to the amount awarded by RRF Oslo.
- The Project Owner must have approved the submission of the grant application to RRF Oslo
- The maximum degree of funding is 70 % of approved project costs for applicants from the municipality of Oslo and 50% for applicants from state-owned undertakings
Who can participate in the project?
Requirements for the Project Owner
The Project Owner must be a Norwegian public body according to the definition of public body and have a registered business address in the Oslo Municipality.
Requirements for collaboration with a research organisation
One or more approved research organisations can participate in the project in effective collaboration. See list of approved research organisations.
R&D work on assignment and providing research services are not considered effective collaboration.
Requirements for collaboration with other kinds of partners
In order to secure dissemination of results, we encourage including more actors as collaboration partners in the project.
These can be other public bodies, industry, interest groups and other actors relevant to the project.
A collaboraton shall be effective collaboration as defined in the state aid rules.
For projects with more than one partner the following applies:
- The research shall be executed in effective collaboration between all partners as defined in the state aid rules: collaboration between at least two independent parties to exchange knowledge or technology, or to achieve a common objective based on the division of labour where the parties jointly define the scope of the collaborative project, contribute to its implementation and share its risks, as well as its results. One or several parties may bear the full costs of the project and thus relieve other parties of its financial risks. Contract research and provision of research services are not considered forms of collaboration.
- One and the same actor may not undertake several roles in the project, for example as project owner and collaboration partner or subcontractor in the same project.
Requirements for principal investigator
The professional qualifications and suitability of the principal investigator will be peer reviewed.
The principal investigator must be employed by the project owner, an R&D partner or a collaboration partner.
We encourage user participation
In many instances user participation and user knowledge are important in order to succeed in innovation work.
By users we mean those who will receive a service, professional users/user organisations and/or those who will provide a service (employees). When relevant, you should accommodate user participation, and the user perspective should be clear in the project.
Foreign partners
We can not grant support for foreign partners in this call. Foreign partners who participate in a project therefore either must cover their own costs or be engaged as a subcontractor in the project.
Sole propritetorships can be collaboration partners
Sole propritetorships can be collaboration partners, but the holder of the sole proprietorship can not have their own personal- and indirect costs funded.
Sole proprietorships can receive funding for personell- and indirect costs for employees, and other costs they may carry for participating in a project, provided these are entered into the sole propietorship’s accounts.
The relevant partners and R&D providers at the time the application is submitted forms the basis for our assessment of the application, and their participation in the project is a stringent condition for funding. If you change the composition of the project before we enter into a contract with you, we may therefore withdraw our funding pledge.
What can you seek funding for?
We can fund part of the applicants’ costs pertaining to R&D activities. R&D activities must be industrial research or experimental development as set out in the state aid rules.
You can apply for funding of actual costs necessary to carry out the project.
In your project description you must give a plan for how the innovation will be implemented and lead to value creation, both during and after the project has ended. Please note that we do not finance costs for realising gains.
All project costs must be budgeted according to the guidelines from the Research Council of Norway. You will find detailed and important information on what to enter in the project budget on the webpages of the Research council of Norway.
In instances where the public body carries out economic activity consisting of offering goods or services on a given market, the level of funding is regulated by the state aid rules.
The project budget may contain the following types of costs:
- Payroll and indirect expenses, whic are costs carried by the project owner and collaboration partners in the public sector, R&D organisations and Norwegian industry.
- Other operating expenses, which are costs for other activities necessary to carry out the R&D activities of the project. Any procurement from sub-contractors belongs in this category. All costs budgeted under “other operating expenses” must be specified in your application.
- Equipment, the costs of renting (costs for use and operation) and depreciation of the institution’s own investments and equipment/research infrastructure necessary for the execution of the project
The budget line for «R&D procurement” shall not be used.
Scope of funding
We can grant funding between 1 million NOKS to 2 million NOKS pr project in this call.
When the project owner is a public body belonging to the City of Oslo, the maximum degree of support from RRF Oslo to the project is upwardly limited to 70% of the total approved project costs.
When the project owner is a public body belonging to the state, the maximum degree of support from RRF Oslo to the project is upwardly limited to 50% of the total approved project costs.
Conditions for funding
- The latest permitted start-up date for the project will be six months after the awarded grant was announced. Projects approved for funding that have not started within this date may lose their grant.
- RRF Oslo will be required to submit progress-, and accounting reports during the project, in addition to a final report and audited final accounts for the project.
State aid
Funding awarded to an ‘undertaking’ constitutes state aid. In this context, an ‘undertaking’ is defined as any actor that carries out an economic activity consisting of offering products or services in a given market. This will apply to any business partners in the project, but can also apply to municipal or state-owned undertakings. Companies serving as partners may have parts of their project costs covered in accordance with the General Block Exemption Regulation Article 25 (Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014). Read more about conditions for awarding state aid.
Funding for R&D organisations will be considered funding for non-economic activity, because the R&D project will be carried out in effective collaboration. As such, funding does not constitute state-aid. RRF Oslo assumes that the R&D partner has established a consistent and transparent separation between their non-economic activities and their economic activities.
For entities that constitute an undertaking as defines by state-aid rules, the degree of support will depend on the size of the undertaking and the type of R&D activitites in the project. The degree of support can vary from 25-70 % (municipal bodies) /50 % (state bodies) as set out in state aid rules (see “article 25 Aid for research and development projects” in the link. )
Scientific articles and research data
RRF Oslo expects research data to be made available in accordance with the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable). For projects that handle data the organisation of the project owner shall prepare a plan for handling data when revising the application.
The Project Owner is responsible for selecting which archiving solution(s) to use for storing research data generated during the project. The Project Owner must specify the planned solution(s) in connection with the revised grant proposal.
Regarding studies medicine and health which involve humans
For studies in medicine and health invovling humnans, there are
For medisinske og helsefaglige studier som involverer mennesker, er det specific Requirements and guidelines for registration and disclosure of medical and health-related studies involving human participants.
Disbursement of funding
We will disburse 50 % of the funding on the basis of an invoice at project start-up and then further up to 50 % on approval of project accounts for the first project year. Funding for the second project year is disbursed in the same way. It is possible to agree on a different plan for disbursement.
The final disbursement is conditional on approval of the project’s final report and project accounts.
Only actual expenses entered in the Project Owner’s accounts will be covered.
Relevant thematic areas for this call
We will prioritize support for good projects within the following areas:
- Solutions for the green transformation:
- Climate, environment, emission-free solutions
- Circular economy
- Energy technology
- Digitalisation and digital transformation
- Health and life sciences, welfare and the care sector
- Formative years and knowledge
- Sustainable services
Regional development
Practical information
Requirements for this application type
Requirements for this application type
Applications must be created and submitted via My RCN Web. You may submit and resubmit your application multiple times up to the submission deadline. We recommend that you submit your application as soon as you have filled in the application form and uploaded the mandatory attachments. When the application deadline is past, it is the last submitted version of the application that will be evaluated.
- The application and all attachments must be written in Norwegian or English.
- All attachments must be uploaded in PDF format.
Mandatory attatcments
- A project description of up to 10 pages. Use the standard template which you can download from the bottom of this webpage.
- Partner information for the company (project owner) submitting the grant application and each of the partner companies (business partners). Use the standard template which you can download from the bottom of this webpage.
- CVs for the principal investigator and other key project participants, a maximum of 6 CVs (including principal investigator). Use the standard template which you can download from the bottom of this webpage.
Please note that all templates are new in 2022, and you shall only use the templates published with this call.
Optional attachments
- Proposal for up to three referees who are considered qualified to assess the application.
All requirements set out in the call must be met. Applications that do not meet the formal requirements, or requirements relating to the Project Owner, collaboration and roles in the project, will not be processed.
We will not assess documents and websites linked to in the application, or other attachments than those specified above. There is no technical validation of the content of uploaded attachments, so please ensure that you upload the correct file for the selected type of attachment.
Assessment criteria
1) Excellence
2) Impact
3) Implementation
4) Relevance for the call
• To what extent does the innovation represent something new?
• To what extent will the innovation help to resolve a challenge and/or meet a recognised need?
• To what extent does the project have the potential to generate new knowledge that can lead to innovation?
• To what extent are the R&D activities essential for the success of the innovation?
• To what extent does the project build on relevant and updated knowledge?
• To what extent does the project employ relevant and recognised R&D methods?
Value creation and realisation of benefits
• To what extent are the potential impacts of the project clearly formulated and credible?
• To what extent will the project form the basis for value creation for the applicant and public sector partners?
• To what extent is the plan for realisation of benefits relevant and adequate, including risk assessments, plans, methods, resource needs, partners, support and roles?
• To what extent can the project lead to other positive societal outcomes, such as:
– facilitating utilisation of results by other segments of the public sector, the business sector or other stakeholders;
– leading to an innovation that can address UN Sustainable Development Goals or solve other important societal challenges?
Dissemination, sharing and exploitation
• To what extent are dissemination and communication activities clearly formulated and directed towards relevant target groups?
• To what extent is the potential for sharing and exploitation clearly formulated and plausible?
• To what extent does the project have plans for exploitation in other parts of the public sector?
Quality of the project’s organisation and management
• To what extent is the project work plan satisfactory, including whether the resources for the various work packages are adequate and reflect the individual work package’s objectives, timetable and deliverables?
• To what extent are the partners well suited for carrying out the R&D activities, and is the distribution of the budget, roles and responsibilities clearly-defined and relevant?
• To what extent have management, leadership and support been adequately addressed?
Quality of the project manager and project group
• To what extent does the project manager have the appropriate expertise and experience to lead an R&D project targeted towards innovation and value creation in the public sector?
• To what extent does the project group have the competence and expertise necessary to ensure efficient implementation of the project?
Relevance to the call for proposals
• To what extent does the application meet the topic’s guidelines and priorities?
• To what extent does the application meet other requirements and characteristics set out in the call?
Administrative procedures
Applications that satisfy the formal requirements will be asessed by external referees. External referees will assess the criteria ‘Excellence’, ‘Impact’ and ‘Implementation’.
Each application will normally be assessed by a referee panel comprising three referees. The referee panel will submit a consensus-based assessment for each of the three criteria.
If the mark awarded by the referee panel for all of the criteria is 4 or higher on a scale where 7 is the highest mark, the application will be assessed by RFF Oslo’s case officers also on the basis of the criterion regional ‘Relevance to the call for proposals’. The assessment and marks for all four criteria will be consolidated into a single, overall mark that indicates the merit of the application.
Based on the referee panel’s assessment and the regional ‘relevance to the call for proposals’ criteria, RFF Oslo’s administration will then present a recommendation to RFF Oslo’s fund board for the final funding decision. The board will emphasise achieving a balanced portfolio of projects and the priorities in the call.
Expected funding decision
RFF Oslo’s board will make a decision on the funding of applications from tis call in week no 50, 2022.
RRF Oslo publishes the results of calls on this webpage.
Messages at time of print 12 February 2025, 17:15 CET