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The government did not grant any funding for Regional Research funds in Oslo in 2023, and presently the activities of the fund consists of monitoring the existing portfolio of projects.


Regional Reseach Fund Oslo

City of Oslo

The Board of Directors:



Vibecke Hverven

Vibecke Hverven, Chair

  • Partner Considium Consulting Group.
Lars Henrik Bøhler

Lars Henrik Bøhler, vice chair

  • CEO Omsorgsbygg
Bjørn Thorud

Bjørn Thorud, Board member

  • Solar Energy Specialist

 Kathrine Myhre

Kathrine Myhre, Board member

  • Director General of the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (Patentstyret) (starting Jan 1.2021.
Harald Aas

Harald Aas, Board member

  • Head of Communication at Institute of Transport Economics


Gilbert K Adarkwah

Gilbert Kofi Adarkwah, Board Member

  • Assistant Professor BI Norwegian Business School 

Elise Husum

Elise Husum, Board Member

  • Department Director, The Norwegian Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).

Petra N Andersen

Petra N Andersen, Deputy

  • Senior Adviser, Strategy, Innovation and Business Development at Norwegian Digitalisation Agency /Digitaliseringsdirektoratet

Espen Robertsen

Espen Robertsen, Deputy

  • Independent adviser Inspirante AS.

Messages at time of print 27 July 2024, 11:32 CEST

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