About RRF Oslo

The aim of the Oslo Regional Research Fund (RRF (Oslo) is to strengthen the region's capability for innovation and the International competitiveness of its' businesses. RRF Oslo will contribute to increasing R&D efforts by mobilising and qualifying businesses and public sector organisations to participate in national and international research. RRF Oslo will contribute to increased quality of research and to the development of good and competitive R&D environments, and strenghtening research for regional innovation and development.

A regional R&D mobilization and - effort in strategically chosen areas can strenghten Oslo's ability to meet lomg term challenges. RRF Oslo will work as a tool to constribute to realise the City of Oslo's long term goals for a knowledge -based development of society and economy. 

The priority areas for RRF Oslo are based on the Regulation relating to the Regional Research funds, the Platform for city council cooperation Oslo 2019-2023, the Planning strategy for Oslo 2020-2023, and the previous priority areas for RRF Hovedstaden, which in turn are based on the R&D&I strategy for Oslo and Akershus, as well as the Regional plan for innovation and venture creation in Oslo and Akershus until 2025.

In the coming period, RRF Oslo will prioritise projects within the following overall strategic focus areas:

  1. R&D in business and industry within
    • Environmental technology
    • Energy technology
    • Circular economy
    • ICT and digitalisation
    • Health and life sciences, including technological solutions
    • Sustainable services
  2. Research-based innovation in the public sector
    • Climate, environment and emission-free solutions
    • Formative years and education
    • Health, welfare and the care sector
  3. Research base for developing public services
    • User-oriented knowledge building for business and industry and the public sector in R&D institutions
    • Increased international competitiveness
    • Sustainable regional development
    • Dynamics of innovation

To begin with, the fund will place the greatest emphasis on areas 1 and 2. Within the focus areas, the board of directors for the fund will prioritise and front research topics through calls for proposals from the fund. Different areas/topics can be announced at different dates.

RRF will be a tool for developing research-based and innovative solutions to important social challenges in Oslo. The projects will have a clear focus on innovation and commercialisation, in order to contribute to knowledge that can be implemented and contribute to solving societal challenges.

Messages at time of print 12 February 2025, 18:17 CET

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